Hello Everyone,
I am new to this openEMR, I installed openEMR successfully in my local and it works perfectly fine. Now I need to copy the code from my local to server. Is there any way to change my hostname, username, and password in my local ?? If it is possible, could you please tell me the path to configure the values?
OpenEMR can be copied from one server to another, without much trouble. You could specify which server it is on (Windows, Linux) and where you want to copy it (windows, Linux). Before copying you should change the passwords and the hostname does not matter.
Thanks for your reply.
We did the following steps :
I copied my openEMR project code from local to server and I copied the MySQL database file too.
And then I modified details of hostname, username, and password from the path of >>sites>>default>> sqlconf.php.
After doing all these I’ve run my project on the server but it goes to the setup page again which is used to createDB again.
Are there any ways to skip the creation of DB ?? or any other tips to run my project on the server ??
Any suggestions are acceptable.
Typically, since I have several projects going on at once and I have about 8 different instances of OpenEMR that I develop on my local box I do that following:
First step: Make sure that your virtual host is set up correctly.
If you are on a linux machine like Ubuntu, before you sync your code from the git repo into your web root directory (/var/www/html/openemr), create a single file called index.php and put the following code in it"
<?php echo "my virtual host is working correctly" ?>
If you don’t see the following, you might want to make sure that you have correctly configured your /etc/apache/sites-available/openemr.conf file.
You also might want to checkout out your /etc/hosts file as well.
The reason why I think your virtual host is not configured correctly is the error you are getting.
Now, if your VH is set up correctly, I always find it easier to create a new database and call it a name like “database_delete”, let the install script do what it needs to do, then delete the ‘fake’ database and have the sites/default/sqlconfig.php file point to your desired database.
If you can successfully complete the install script creating a new database with your code, you should be able to easily set up the sqlconfig file to access that database.