Copays and provider on the superbill

Is there a way to add the copay amount and the provider on the superbill. The superbill has the words “Provider” and “Copay” at the bottom, but these areas do not fill in with values when the superbill is printed.

Robert Rovner, MD

hi @docrovner, are you referring to reports->visits->superbill or reports->visits->appointments->Submit superbills?

This is the superbill in Reports --> Visits --> Superbill, but I would be happy if I could get Popups --> Superbill to automatically print the insurance company, insurance number and copay.
I assume this would take some finagling with the code.

Robert Rovner

Is there a way to modify the Superbills in reports --> visits --> appointments --> Submit Superbills so they print the provider, the reason and the copay? All it prints now is the patient, DOB and insurance name.

Robert Rovner, MD

hi @docrovner, that superbill will currently pull provider and reason only when an encounter has been created for that appt, copay could be added but wondering if that will help your workflow?

Thanks. I see that now.

Doc Rovner