Contrib directory

julialongtin wrote on Friday, December 28, 2012:

Is there an official declaration, statement, or document anywhere about what should be placedi n the contrib directory?

I was recently enabling features (to make sure my changes don’t break them), and ran across the ‘de-identification’ section. aparently, there are pages in interface/ that only work if you manually edit globals.php, and run a upgrade script from the contrib folder?

it seems to me that mixing utilities and contributed options in the same directory is asking for confusion… and having code in the interface that requires running things out of contrib ‘smells’ wrong, to me.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 30, 2012:

Hi Julia,

I think the simple answer is no :slight_smile:
I’m a bit guilty of this considering I’ve involved the contrib directory with the translation sql script (on openemr install) and the code set import mechanism (snomed,rxnorm,icd9,icd10).
Considering we are recommending to yank the contrib directory completed after installation for security (no specific reason, but just seems better to remove unneeded scripts), it does make sense to migrate all the scripts used by core OpenEMR out of contrib:

This would be a good thing to place on the Active Projects page so its not forgotten:
