Consulta sobre nuevos usuarios

cuando instalo el soft openemr 6.0 con windows 7 64 bits anda fantastico pero cuando quiero ingresar nuevos usuarios me dice que no estan autorizados, desconosco ccual seria el procedimiento para autorizar los nuevos usuarios, muchas gracias

When I install the soft openemr 6.0 with windows 7 64 bits it is fantastic but when I want to enter new users it tells me that they are not authorized, I do not know what the procedure to authorize new users would be, thank you very much

Welcome @Daniel_Djs_Mar_del_P
First You need to have administrator rights to give other users rights/privileges.
To add access controls

esta subido el usuario merlosoft como administrador y prueba como medico y sigue sin autorizarlo

The merlosoft user is uploaded as administrator and tests as a doctor and still does not authorize it

Probably need to set the user prueba provider/calendar flag if you want them to have chart access for given access controls. I am assuming your issue is with the user prueba.

Daniel, autorizado significa que esta autorizado a ver la historia clínica de los pacientes, para ello debes marcar como profesional (o proveedor) al usuario y además debes asignarles control de acceso como medico, clínico o emergencia

Daniel, authorized means that he is authorized to see the clinical history of patients, for this you must mark the user as a professional (or provider) and you must also assign them access control such as medical, clinical or emergency

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