COnfiguring SMS OpenEMR+XP+Clickatell

chetans wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:


I installed OpenEMR successfully.   I have a clickatell connection that I would like to use to send SMS when the patient makes and appointment.  According to the wiki (
the following three steps are needed:
1. Edit the interface/globals.php fine and adjust the configuration as appropriate for your setup: <DONE>
2.Install backend notification processes you need to add cron_email_notification.php and cron_sms_notification.php in system crontab to run every hour. <NOt Done yet>
3.Login into openEMR and go in section Admin.Notification and there you will find three new sections <Trouble>

I wanted to set the SMS settings before setting up the scheduled jobs.  The issue is I am not able to see the notification section where i can set the templates for the SMS settings.
Do i have to change any setting somewhere else to get the SMS settings to display on the interface.

Any suggestions?


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 13, 2010:

Couldn’t get this to work either. Very odd, even with a bunch of grepping couldn’t find the link or page (thought it was possibly gonna show in the Miscellaneous->Batchcom but copuldn’t find it there ieither) Will make a bug in tracker for this.

chetans wrote on Wednesday, April 14, 2010:

Hey Brady,

Thanks for replying, I finally worked around it by making the entries in the account_info table through the database section.  Also would you happen to know if this Admin-Notification section would have a way of defining the templates for the SMS messages to be sent out. 

BTW, is there any way i could help with the code development etc…Is there a roadmap planned for new features and such that i could help with.


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, April 15, 2010:


Regarding SMS, I couldn’t even find the link. Kind of odd. Put  a bug report in the tracker.

Feel free to help with code development. This project always welcomes new developers.

For developer documentation check out these links (nice docs for new developers and policies etc.):

There’s also a nice page with current active big projects:

A very good place to learn about OpenEMR is picking a ‘bug’ or ‘feature request’ from the tracker, or working on something you want.

Feel free to contact me for more guidance at


port888 wrote on Tuesday, August 03, 2010:

i have the same problem

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 05, 2010:

This still needs to be fixed. Following is the bug tracker item:

port888 wrote on Thursday, August 05, 2010:

Hi again,
OK,am not sure of this but in …/openemr/interface/batchcom/batch_navigation.php -line 10-
<? if (acl_check(‘admin’, ‘notification’)) { ?>
at first i tried to comment it out - well it showed the  SMS Notification  Email Notification  SMS/Email Alert Settings  taps- but when you click on one of them this message will show up  "You are not Authorized for this "
i tried to add ‘notification’ into the ACL but it didn’t work out.
any ideas how it can be added ??

fbll wrote on Wednesday, May 11, 2011:

Working under Windows, how can I run "crontab " or any similar??
In there are instructions for Linux, but not for Windows, any help?

Francisco Blasco

ajperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, May 11, 2011:

This will work for you


fbll wrote on Monday, May 16, 2011:

I installed wincron, but I do not know how to configure it for SMS OpenEMR.
Could you give me any idea?


tpalmieri wrote on Wednesday, November 30, 2011:

I am trying to setup SMS as well.  I have the Clickatell account, etc all setup in the app, and users setup to be notified by SMS, but there is nowhere to select SMS as an option in Batchcom.

Has this ever been resolved??

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, December 01, 2011:

Would be nice to get this installation process cleaned up since there seem to be a lot of google and wiki searches for this feature:
(if anybody has gotten this to work please share what else is needed, so can document this)

fkasmani wrote on Wednesday, January 09, 2013:

chetans                2010-04-14 02:30:16 PDT
Hey Brady, Thanks for replying, I finally worked around it by making the entries in the account_info table through the database section. Also would you happen to know if this Admin-Notification section would have a way of defining the templates for the SMS messages to be sent out. BTW, is there any way i could help with the code development etc…Is there a roadmap planned for new features and such that i could help with. -Chetan

Hi Chetan,

I was just trying to go about what you’ve said, “I finally worked around it by making the entries in the account_info table through the database section” and while I’m using OpenEMR 4.1.1, I did go to Administration >> Other >> Database
I can’t seem to find account_info table.

Would really appreciate if you could shed some light on this, pls.

I’m really in need to get OpenEMR’s SMS Notifications function to work, especially with Twilio - pls also see another thread at:

Thanks and Best Regards.