juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, August 04, 2010:
I was working on customizing the > Patient/Client > Medical Record > History form when I ran into this error message when I try to save. The error says Column ‘Date’ specified twice. Below is the entire error message. I can not find where the second date is coming from.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ERROR: insert failed: insert into history_data set `id` = ‘’, `last_breast_exam` = ‘’, `last_gynocological_exam` = ‘’, `last_rectal_exam` = ‘’, `last_prostate_exam` = ‘’, `last_physical_exam` = ‘’, `last_sigmoidoscopy_colonoscopy` = ‘’, `last_ecg` = ‘’, `last_cardiac_echo` = ‘’, `last_retinal` = ‘’, `last_fluvax` = ‘’, `last_pneuvax` = ‘’, `last_ldl` = ‘’, `last_hemoglobin` = ‘’, `last_exam_results` = ‘’, `history_mother` = ‘’, `history_father` = ‘’, `history_siblings` = ‘’, `history_offspring` = ‘’, `history_spouse` = ‘’, `relatives_cancer` = ‘’, `relatives_tuberculosis` = ‘single’, `relatives_diabetes` = ‘’, `relatives_high_blood_pressure` = ‘’, `relatives_heart_problems` = ‘’, `relatives_stroke` = ‘’, `relatives_epilepsy` = ‘’, `relatives_mental_illness` = ‘’, `relatives_suicide` = ‘’, `cataract_surgery` = ‘’, `tonsillectomy` = ‘’, `cholecystestomy` = ‘’, `heart_surgery` = ‘’, `hysterectomy` = ‘’, `hernia_repair` = ‘’, `hip_replacement` = ‘’, `knee_replacement` = ‘’, `appendectomy` = ‘’, `pid` = ‘646’, `usertext12` = ‘’, `usertext13` = ‘’, `usertext14` = ‘’, `usertext15` = ‘’, `usertext16` = ‘’, `usertext17` = ‘’, `usertext18` = ‘’, `usertext19` = ‘’, `usertext20` = ‘’, `usertext21` = ‘’, `usertext22` = ‘’, `usertext23` = ‘’, `usertext24` = ‘’, `usertext25` = ‘’, `usertext26` = ‘’, `usertext27` = ‘’, `usertext28` = ‘’, `usertext29` = ‘’, `usertext30` = ‘’, `userdate11` = ‘’, `userdate12` = ‘’, `userdate13` = ‘’, `userdate14` = ‘’, `userdate15` = ‘’, `Past_Current` = ‘’, `Drug_Allergies` = ‘’, `eye_exam` = ‘’, `eye_results` = ‘’, `Last_Colonoscopy` = ‘’, `colon_result` = ‘’, `mammogram_results` = ‘’, `Last_PAP` = ‘’, `PAP_results` = ‘’, `medication_current` = ‘’, `history_problem` = ‘’, `hpi_history` = ‘’, `ros_history` = ‘’, `pfsh_history` = ‘’, `Constitutional` = ‘’, `Skin` = ‘’, `All_Imm` = ‘’, `ENT` = ‘’, `Resp` = ‘’, `CV` = ‘’, `GI` = ‘’, `GU` = ‘’, `Endo` = ‘’, `Musclosk` = ‘’, `Neuro` = ‘’, `Psych` = ‘’, `Hemo` = ‘’, `All_Other` = ‘’, `Name` = ‘’, `Reviewed` = ‘’, `Patient_Name` = ‘Harry Hippy’, `D_O_B` = ‘’, `Complaint` = ‘now’, `Ref_Doc` = ‘’, `OS_EVAL` = ‘’, `Temp` = ‘’, `P` = ‘’, `WT` = ‘’, `Height` = ‘’, `Blood_Pressure` = ‘’, `BP_Standing` = ‘’, `BP_Lying` = ‘’, `HPI` = ‘’, `Last_Foot` = ‘’, `Last_Eye` = ‘’, `Eye_Result` = ‘’, `Foot_Results` = ‘’, `Results_PSA` = ‘’, `ESS` = ‘’, `Berlin` = ‘’, `Date` = ‘’, `date` = ‘’+NOW()+’’
Error: Column ‘Date’ specified twice