jpmd26 wrote on Wednesday, October 08, 2014:
I’m trying to print CMS 1500 form in PDF format for billing and PDF is blank page. Any suggestions?
jpmd26 wrote on Wednesday, October 08, 2014:
I’m trying to print CMS 1500 form in PDF format for billing and PDF is blank page. Any suggestions?
cmswest wrote on Wednesday, October 08, 2014:
you first have to bill a fee sheet under the encounter, see this
thuurio wrote on Thursday, July 09, 2015:
I’m new to openEMR and bussy with a DIY implementation (No Medical background , but have ERP experience Helping out a dentist in Suriname)
My issue : a blank CMS1500 page
Config : Laptop Windows 8.1 OpenEMR V 4.2.0 patch 3 installed
Created own service CODES (not using ICD9 or 10)
Set up my own Fee Sheet (Adminstration / List / …
Created a patient and process an issue
Save the Fee Sheet
Generate CMS1500 form in Billing and the result is a blank page
Do I have to setup a CMS1500 template…?
Any help pls…
fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 09, 2015:
It is necessary to setup an encounter first, then enter the diagnosis/procedure codes in the Fee Sheet before using the Billing Manager. See this.
This webpage containing the Users Guide & Supplementary Topics is very helpful to neophytes.
thuurio wrote on Friday, July 10, 2015:
The result is still blank page
I have deleted the orginal encounter after I re-opened the billing record
than I deleted the issues
logout /login
Select patient
Create visit, on the right side of the screen I entered the service codes and on left some txt than save
Fees / Fee Sheet searching for codes and adding to the sheet, save
Billing marked it, generate CMS 1500 and still blank page…
teryhill wrote on Friday, July 10, 2015:
My question is do you have any special characters or punctuation in your data that could be causing the trouble?
Have you looked at the php error log?
fsgl wrote on Friday, July 10, 2015:
Just in case it is not obvious, the Billing Manager will not create the pink CMS 1500 form. It only creates the text to fill in the 1500. See 1500 form.
Your browser should be set to have the text sent to Downloads. From Downloads the text can be printed onto the 1500. See attached text. Sometimes it is necessary to crop the text for proper alignment.
thuurio wrote on Friday, July 10, 2015:
@ Terry
No strange characters used
In view logs : I have this
Generating HCFA claim 1-8 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 15:15.
Generating HCFA claim 1-8 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 20:01.
Generating HCFA claim 1-8 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 20:26.
Generating HCFA claim 1-9 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 20:35.
Generating HCFA claim 1-11 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 21:05.
Generating HCFA claim 1-12 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 21:15.
Generating HCFA claim 1-14 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 23:28.
Generating HCFA claim 1-14 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-09 23:29.
Generating HCFA claim 1-15 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-10 00:41.
Generating HCFA claim 1-16 for BENNIE BOOGAARD on 2015-07-10 01:02.
I got the PHP error log this morning via Xampp Control will attached it
Pls help with this because I’m not technical I can see it missing docs templates???
Thanks for the example I understand what you mean but I do not get the data out of OpenEMR
Yesterday evening I try to generate CMS1500 text and the result is the same “notepad” was empty
fsgl wrote on Friday, July 10, 2015:
The downloaded file is .pdf, so a .pdf reader is needed to open it. The text reader should not be empty, however.
Because this is either a very new production or test copy, it maybe simpler to save the present copy to a flash drive & reinstall the Package on C-drive, instead of running through differential diagnoses. Probably too many corrupt files to fix.