CMS 1500 Claim Form error "Data item at (61, 63) precedes current column"

Hello to all,
We are having a problem with 5.0-3/Ubuntu 16.04, just one patient thus far where we get this; “Data item at (61, 63) precedes current column” error when trying to print a CMS 1500 claim. I found in the forum a similar error with different numbers that was resolved by Rod Roark. He said that this error means that the system is trying to print over another item.

Thank you,

hi @hamd, what payer is it? ie medicaid, medicare, etc

Hi Stephen,
It’s Staywell
Thank you,

hi @hamd, do you have that configured as payer type Medicaid and do you have an insurance number stored for that payer as well under your practice settings? thanks

Hi Stephen,

Yes to both questions.

Thank you,


hi @hamd, code needs to be fixed here. Paper claim instructions for staywell state that you could remove or comment lines 761-764 for now.

Hi Stephen,
So is this a bug that occurs with just some payers?

Thank you,


hi @hamd, the bug would be for any payers that are payer type Medicaid and also have a Group # stored under Administration->Practice->Insurance Numbers

Should the group # be removed?
Is the group # ( state license # ) necessary ?

hi @hamd, doesn’t look like it’s required for paper claims so you could give it a try and add it back in later if it causes problems elsewhere

thanks for reporting another issue :slight_smile:

Thank you for the helping hand!!