CMS 1500 Box 14 & misc_billing_options

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, November 18, 2014:

Now that I have misc_billing_options working… I’m trying to understand how to set box 14 “onset of symptoms”? misc_billing_options only allows me to set this to “Onset of…” or “Last Mentrual Period” but I have no idea where these two are set in the first place?

Previous posts I have found (some started by me) relate to the “qualifier” but not Box 14 specifically.

While I’m asking, I’d also like to know how to set the Claim Type (Box 1) to Medicare or Medicaid…


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, November 18, 2014:

Box 14, see page 11 of attached CMS 1500 02-12 guide.

To set Payor Type, see 1.png.

elandau1260 wrote on Wednesday, November 19, 2014:

Thanks fsgl… For box 1… great. Got it. Thanks.

For Box 14: I get what I need to put in box 14… I just don’t know how to tell OpenEMR what the “initial onset date” is.

Hopefully you won’t mind I have other question on the form… I’ll open a new topic :slight_smile:

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, November 19, 2014:

The old Box 14 & 15 merged into Box 14 with the 02-12.

For date entry, see attached.

elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, November 20, 2014:

Hummm… that did not seem to work. I selected an encounter, and in the misc_billing_options: Box 14’s default value of “Onset…” is set, and I put in a date in the Box 15 of the form. No date shows up on the PDF.

I notice that if I open up the misc_billing_options right after I enter the date, the date is not there… not saved. I used the right format… and I see the correct date saved in the database (with phpmyadmin)… but Box14 is empty on the form…

fsgl wrote on Thursday, November 20, 2014:

You are correct.

Just tested this on the Weekly Demo. Qualifier & date for Box 15 printed correctly, but big problem is that Box 15 has been eliminated for 02-12.

There should be no Box 15 options on Misc form. Instead there should be only a date textbox for Box 14.

Try this workaround on a test copy until we get a permanent fix:

  1. enter date in Box 15 textbox area on Misc form as suggested above.
  2. uncomment lines 330 to 332, 337 & 345.
  3. change lines 349 to 351 per attachment.

This will effectively put the Box 15 date into Box 14 of the paper form while removing the extraneous stuff.

A better solution would be 837P, avoiding all this hassle.

elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, November 20, 2014:

Ok… I will try this. I’m confused though because looking at the code in that file which deals with Box 14 is:
// Box 14. Date of Current Illness/Injury/Pregnancy
$tmp = $claim->onsetDate();

… and the Encounter’s ONSET date seems to be set on that screen used to create a new encounter… (which I can’t seem to edit once the encounter has been created) so I’m not sure why I can’t just edit that rather than hard-code a date in the misc_billing_options form?

fsgl wrote on Friday, November 21, 2014:

The underlying problem is that the Misc form has not been changed to reflect the new CMS instructions. Yes, Rod wrote the codes for Box 14, but where are you going to enter the date in the Misc form except in Box 15?

You do have the option of altering openemr/interface/patient_file/encounter/load_form.php?formname=misc_billing_options to look like attachment 1. You will still need to make changes depicted in attachment 2.

My suggestion above requires less work.

elandau1260 wrote on Friday, November 21, 2014:

Beautiful. Thanks !

fsgl wrote on Friday, November 21, 2014:

You’re welcome.

One of these days when I find myself twiddling my thumbs, I may take a stab at fixing both the Misc form & HCFA 1500.php.

Nice baby introductory steps to GitHub.

elandau1260 wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2014:

I’d do it but I’m afraid I’d break something. I still think that Box 14 should be populated from the OnsetDate of the encounter which is asked for when you create a new encounter… I just can’t seem to edit that form… it only offer a “New Encounter”.

Can you tell me why you believe Box 14 should come from the misc_billing_options form rather than the Encounter’s Onset date? Just curious. It works… but seem like a bypass…


fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2014:

You are confusing the date of service of the New Encounter form with Date of Onset, Pregnancy, Initial Treatment.

If you refer to the CMS .pdf, it states explicitly that differentiation of different dates is no longer required; hence the elimination of the qualifiers.

The date of service is pertinent in Box 24 & in the box for date of signature. Otherwise the date of the New Encounter form (date of service) has no bearing on Box 14. Not clear what you mean by “It works…”

To allay your misgivings, I would suggest:

  1. install a test copy.
  2. print the hcfa 1500 .php as it exists.
  3. make the changes & print new .php.
  4. in case of mishap, compare 2 & 3, revert back to 2.
  5. backup before doing 2 to 4 on production copy.

If anxiety continues to persist, send 837P instead of paper. In the event you’ve not noticed, Box 17 is messed up as well. No reason to send paper unless it’s a problematic resubmission.