Closing of Days/Month/Year

hamdpa wrote on Monday, June 03, 2013:

Hello to all!
How do you close day/month/year with OpenEMR?
Thank you

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, June 04, 2013:


We are not sure about what you are asking. Can you give us little more information of what exactly your expectation is.

Are you talking about ‘Financial Closing Date’. If that is the case you can specify that in ‘Administration->Globals->Miscellaneous’ section.



fsgl wrote on Monday, June 10, 2013:

Our old practice management software (Unix) required starting a new month or a new year and old transactions had to be purged to history.

If the “closing” question is along the same line, there is no mention of such activity in the User Manuals, Sections “Basic Billing” or “Accounting & Receivables”.

We have been using OpenEMR since August 2012 and we have yet to see a prompt about closing or starting an accounting date or about purging to history.

hamdpa wrote on Wednesday, June 12, 2013:

Yes! Thats exactly what I was asking. I too had a previous Unix system that required closing week/month/year. Glad to hear that its no longer necessary.
Thank you!!

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, June 12, 2013:

اهلا وسهلا بكم. كان من دواعي سروري