We’ve been using OpenEMR 3.2 for about an year now. We are extremely happy with the community efforts. My management is curious to know how many clinics in the US are currently using OpenEMR. This is because the agencies we work with need this info to be comfortable in supporting us for extending OpenEMR’s use for our clinic specific activities. Looks like these numbers give them assurances that OpenEMR has been successfully deployed in various clinic environments.
Given the nature of “Open Source” implementation, I’m sure that it’s hard to keep track of how many are using it right now. Number of downloads may be easy to find. Can you guys post the clinics/clients of you that either you know of that run OpenEMR?
I have not yet adopted OpenEMR in my office, but we are looking at it closely, and the question you ask is important. I have been involved with FOSS for a long time, and it is a problem that counting the number of people actually using it is like trying to count the cats in your herd.
It seems that it would be desirable to have a registry of sorts for clinics using OpenEMR, and some enticement for users to register. I know that some software I have loaded asks you if you would register it, or allow the software to send info to some central server. Is any such system implemented in OpenEMR?
Another possibility would be if the various companies supporting OpenEMR installations could pool some basic usage statistics.
One of the first questions people are going to ask when you propose use of any EMR system is going to be, “Who else is using it?”, or “How many other people use it?” It would help assure potential adopters (like me) if there were answers to such questions.