Yes, I am having trouble creating a clinical decision support rule in Version 4.2.0 (4) of OpenEMR. I have followed the tutorial written by Mr. Tony McCormick and the rule described in the tutorial will not work in my version of OpenEMR. Can anyone point me in the right direction or offer some suggestions? I have followed Mr. McCormick’s instructions to the letter.
Effective use of CDR engine depends on your objectives. It helps if you have ability to read PHP language code. If you are end user, try completely understanding preconfigured rules by comparing the EMR setting with the corresponding meaningful use requirement. Then change one setting at a time to confirm your understanding. In our case we ended up using custom changes to the database to make full use of this feature.
A word of caution: the engine is geared towards measurement and not descriptive reporting. You will succeed in generating warning that xyz test is overdue but it would be hard / impossible to display the supporting data such as - xyz test should be performed every 6 months for males aged 65 or more AND this patient’s last test was on 1/1/2000.
fsgl: Thanks for your response. What I did was create a rule for a pulmonary function test. A reminder should fire when a patient is coded as having the medical problem of asthma. When a patient is coded with the problem the reminder does not appear. Not sure what I did. I have attached a screen shot.
As fsgl stated, move the action part. In addition, make sure you are specifying a criteria under clinical target section. Only if criteria is specified, it will show up under clinical reminders