We sent at test file to Gateway EDI. This is what they told us.
The file does not have an SE segment (this is a Transaction Set Trailer) at the end of the file…(it does contain an SE segment after each claim in the file). But the last claim ends with a facility loop which is not correct…
Any ideals on what to do here? We are using version 4.1 with xamp. Thanks for any help on this issue.
Sounds like your claim file was somehow truncated somewhere along the line. You might look at it with a text editor. Insert a newline after each “~” to make it more readable, and see if what Gateway is telling you makes any sense.
Also did you do a “View Log” after generating the claim file? That’s important.
Thanks I will take a look at the file later today. I asked and they did not look at the log after generating the claim. I will be there tomorrow when they try again and I will be sure to view the log. Thanks again.