CK-ERP v.0.23.1 released(+ OpenEMR connector)

ckwu wrote on Thursday, August 02, 2007:

Hi, folks,

I have posted a new release, v.0.23.1, of CK-ERP, at SourceForge.Net, .

This release features connectors for MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR, and osCMax.  XOOPS connector  has  been enhanced to provide group-module ACL control.  Locale-aware monetary figure printing has been added. Sample cheque format has been improved.

[For locale-aware monetary figure printing to operate correctly, the server machine must have the relevant locales correctly implemented.]

CK-ERP is an open source accounting/MRP/ERP/CRM system that runs on top of multiple middlewares.  It comprises 22 modules - Administration, i18n, Contact Management, Customer Relationship, Customer Self Service, Vendor Relationship, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, HR, Staff Self Service and Payroll.  Operating platform can either be LAMP or LAPP.  It provides accounting and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes the underlying middleware to administer accounts/groups.  Please report error and suggestion to the discussion group / mailing list, CK-ERP-en(at) or CK-ERP-zh_CN(at) .  General history and expected development is available at the discussion group’s Archive.

Supported MiddleWares:  MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR, eGroupWare, Horde-GroupWare; Zencart, CRELoaded, osCMax, osCommerce; Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, e107, XOOPS, Xaraya; Moodle, Atutor; vTiger, XRMS; WordPress, b2evolution; TikiWiki; phpBB.

Information/Demo Websites:

Download is available from,

Wu Chiu Kay, aka CK Wu, aka CK (CK is the preferred alias)
Hong Kong

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, August 02, 2007:

To what degree is OpenEMR integrated?  Is CK-ERP aware of the special needs of medical insurance billing and the associated A/R (EOB posting, etc.)?

Currently we are tied to SQL-Ledger for A/R, have you done anything about that logic in OpenEMR?


ckwu wrote on Saturday, August 04, 2007:

Hi, Rod,

Thank you for your feedback.

I must admit I don’t have knowledge about the special needs of medical insurance billing and indeed there is no integration of OpenEMR  and CK-ERP at database and/or processing logic level.  At the same time, you have definitely done a marvelleous job with the integration of OpenEMR + SQL-Ledger.

As for possible tighter integration of OpenEMR and CK-ERP, an FAQ explains the current situation,

Q.  Why is CK-ERP not tightly integrated with the underlying middleware ?

A.  Presently, CK-ERP is able to run within 23 different middleware environments and there are more to come. If you are interested in ‘integrating’ tightly CK-ERP within xxx (database-wise, processing-logic-wise), you may perhaps spend a year to do the job – 23 different middlewares? 23 man-years. Then, you would have to spend another nnn years to debug the (CK-ERP + xxx + yyy) combos, say, (Joomla + Zencart + CK-ERP). You know the sum.

One may consider things like SOA, RPC to provide some sort of loose coupling. However, these technologies do not seem to be mature enough nor secure enough to be able to stand the test in a court of law. That is, if there is a major processing error within, say, a SOA based (Joomla + CK-ERP) environment, it would take a team of experts to find which is at fault - Joomla, CK-ERP or even the SOA stack itself.

So, it is decided that (CK-ERP + xxx) ‘integration’ will stop at the point of producing xxx connectors. For the rest of the ‘integration’ job, it is a standing invitation for any open source software integrator to try his/her hand. Indeed, it is in this area, where software integrators, traditionally, excel. Again, it is also a standing invitation to any and all open source software integrators to contribute their integration code back to CK-ERP, if they, so, incline.

At the same time, please don’t ask the CK-ERP project team how a particular (CK-ERP + xxx) tight integration should be done. Because,

1) We have no expertise in xxx .
2) As it is, we are already fully occupied with enhancing the various functions of CK-ERP and producing yyy connectors.

Best Regards,