Chiropractic Users of OpenEMR

kartracer73 wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

We have a Chiropractic clinic and are considering using OpenEMR. We’re just wondering if there are Chiropractic offices using OpenEMR and if they would provide their feedback on their experience with OpenEMR in a Chiropractic environment. Thanks in advance.

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:

The Chiropractors don’t post regularly.

Pose questions & we’ll try to answer them.

jggoodfe wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:

I’ve been using OpenEMR since 2006. Overall, it has performed well for me. There is some required work for creating notes, but all EMR’s have that. When there are questions, the group seems quick to respond.

kartracer73 wrote on Saturday, May 09, 2015:

Thanks John. I’ve sent you a message via this forum.
