Change Number of Messages Displayed

drkay wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

Is there a way to change the number of messages displayed on the messages page? My install only displays 25 at a time. I often have up to 300 messages to go through. I sort them by category, and page through to specific, high-priority, categories when reviewing messages. It would be easier if I could have all, or, at least more than 25, displayed at a time.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

Found Line 453, see attachment.

It’s conjecture on my part.

Please don’t change the numeral 25 until confirmed by one of the developers.

teryhill wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

It worked with 35, 50 and 100 should be fine

If you consider me a developer


fsgl wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

Thanks for your help, Terry.

teryhill wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

Any time