Change encounter status without double click

panopticonisi wrote on Friday, June 04, 2010:

so i planned on setting up an install of openemr and handing the physicians ipads to take to the room.  unfortunately, when i was walking a physician through the process of seeing a patient with his shiney new software/hardware combo, i couldn’t change the status of the patient in the calendar.  when you double click on the ipad, it automatically zooms.

are there any ways to work around this?

aperezcrespo wrote on Saturday, June 05, 2010:


  Work-around:  Click on the patient in the calendar. That will take to the patients record and on the right hand side of the display you will see the appointments.  Click on the one you want to change and modify the status and save.

Not as nice as doing it from the calendar but ….


panopticonisi wrote on Wednesday, June 16, 2010:

i never thanked you, btw, so thank you very much!  :slight_smile: