CCHIT Update

mbrody wrote on Wednesday, June 17, 2009:

CCHIT has just release a proposal for two ‘alternate certification pathways’.  These are specifically aimed at concerns of the OpenSource World.

There are some good things in these alternate pathways.  First the alternate pathways do not require inclusion of CPT codes.  Second,  A program can be certified as a ‘module’ that means it meets certian ARRA requirements but not all.  By combining multiple ‘modules’ a physician can have a ‘certified solution’  There is also a ‘site certification’ pathway where even if the modules are not certified, if a provider has a single or a series of programs that meet ARRA requirements he can get his site certified and be eligible for the incentive payments.

Obviously it is more complicated than this synposis but that it the gist of the direction that CCHIT is proposing.

FYI I have been appointed to the CCHIT Ambulatory Care Workgroup for the next cycle and an there to support changes that make certification more friendly to OpenSource.

I will be at the FOSS conference in Houston at the end of July and look forward to getting input from everybody there.


cfapress wrote on Friday, June 19, 2009:


Great news! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the CCHIT changes.

I hope we can get OpenEMR CCHIT certified at some reduced, or no, cost in the future. But I’m probably dreaming.
