CCDA configuring error

I want to configure CCDA in openemr I have completed steps as mentioned in the following link Carecoordination Module Configuration - OpenEMR Project Wiki. Now I dont know whats next after this here in terminal after npm init

please let me know.

Keep pressing enter until all questions have been responded to and you’re back at the command prompt.

I tried with npm init -y and got this

still node service not running error in open emr

I don’t know Windows

What version of Node?

Do you have the required PHP modules installed?

Manually run the CCDA service to see if it runs OK from the command-line

Shutdown running node processes

npm install --production

Are you definitely trying to download a CCDA and not a QRDA?

Yes its CCDA . I will check the PHP modules.

I am getting this error while trying to install php modules

You’re typing Linux commands into Windows. You need to either find how to do this in the Windows way, or switch to using a Linux server.

oh ok. I have searched for it already but I havent got right one. Could you please suggest links where I can find guidelines to install php modules in window

I have checked in the wamp its all already there in php extensions

Hi Pete,

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. :slight_smile: :grinning:

I got the ccda working

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