Does anyone know where there is documentation on how to configure this module?
(Stephen Nielson)
April 1, 2022, 12:30am
1 Like
Can this module be used to give a patient their records? If not what is the better way to give a patient their records?
(Stephen Nielson)
April 2, 2022, 11:44am
When you generate a CCDA using the care coordination module it has a human readable printout that can be given to the patient. If you just open the file. If that patient is transferring their records to another clinic the data can be downloaded as a CCDA xml file and emailed to the patient or given via thumb drive.
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(Pete Boyd)
April 3, 2022, 4:56pm
More documentation:
“Use the Carecoordination module”
# About
This module/service will provide the necessary template engine to create a Patient Summary CCD.
CCD's can be generated from the Onsite Patient Portal or the Carecoordination Module.
## Prepare
* If not already completed, you must install/initialize the CCM features by going to the Modules->Manage Modules top menu then click Unregistered tab and install the necessary components.
* Add any appropriate settings like granting Access Control for the appropriate users. Menu item: Modules->Manage Modules->Access Control->General->Care Coordination.
* Ensure all appropriate fields are populated in Modules->Manage Modules Settings tab such as Author, Primary Care Provider and so forth.
* Ignore any errors that do not throw you back to command prompt when using npm install as some libs need to be compiled and is verbose about it.
## Updating
Whenever there are new versions or updates, be sure to navigate into the ccdaservice directory and run:
- npm i --production
This will ensure the lastest libraries are installed.
## Ubuntu Setup
* Latest version tested is node v14.0
If node is not already installed then do the following:
- cd ~
- apt-get remove --purge nodejs npm // Ensures clean install and will allow chance to cleanup.
- curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
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