Can't review documents after submitting it

after I submit for example, a the privacy form or any questionnaire, I try to review it from the admin/physician side. But when i do that, I encounter an error

OpenEMR Version
openemr 7.02 on aws, cloud express plus


Operating System
mac os

image for example:


I thought it was an aws problem, so but the same problem is also on the demos of openemr.

I changed some permissions on the serializer. ran these commands in the /HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache

chown -R apache:apache Serializer
chmod -R 755 Serializer

and now I can somewhat review these documents.

Can I know why the issue where I can’t review the documents exist and if the changes I made will cause any security issues? Also, any alternative better solutions you can refer me to would be appreciated

If this is still in the demo, it will be fixed when the patch is out. You can check the issues on github for the fix to this and apply it now.