Hello all thanks so much for all the help you have provided in the past it is greatly appreciated. I am using oemr version 3.2. The problem I seem to be having now is if I log in with the admin username and password, when I push the create button, nothing happens. It doesn’t appear to create a new patient. Also if i just put a first name in the form and hit search it doesn’t find anyone. However, if i search in the normal search field it finds it. It seems I am having a problem with the create a new patient form. Any help would be greatly appreciated. John
3.2 uses seach naming conventions where (for instance) “Patient” will bring up the record for someone named Test Rat Patient, but “patient” will not result in the same. “test” will bring up the patient by first name however. I no longer have 3.2 running, so I can’t test this for sure, but that is what I recall. Next issue is that some variables for creating a patient are required variables. Usually that is name, DOB, and sex. If you don’t have these, I think creation will fail. I think you must have these variables before creation is possible, so hitting “create” does not make a blank patient. You enter from the search field, and then the patient is created. Yet another reason for going to 4.0. It is still a bit round-about like this in some cases, but it is much less ambiguous.
I have noticed that the ACL does not cover all bases, sometimes it is possible to still do something with a “limited” access in one way, when it is turned off in another, as well as destroying other levels of access when only one feature is turned off. You might want to do the following as a troubleshooting method and as a general good practice:
Stop using the “admin” access. Set your own access as administrator, and go ahead and check the provider box as needed. Check the behavior as needed.
Perhaps to clarify more specifically, post a screen shot of what you have input just before you submit the search/creation form, and maybe we will catch on to what is happening.
aethelwulffe, thanks so much for the swift response. I will mess the the search feature later as that is not nearly as important as adding a new patient. I did as you suggested and elevated my access to administrator. I then preceded to create a new patient filling in the fields of first and last name, DOB and SEX. It still did nothing when I pressed the create button, any suggestions please =) Thanks so much John
I’ve done a bit more research. I did a fresh install of 4.0 and I was able to to create a new patient. However, when I imported the data from 3.3 into my 4.0 version it wouldn’t do anything when I pushed the create button. I hope that additional info is beneficial to helping me solve this. Thanks John
Ok last bit of additional info that I’ve found. If I do a fresh install of either version 3.2 or 4.0 creating a new patient works flawlessly. It isn’t until I import my data that pressing the create button doesn’t respond. It doesn’t tell me fields are missing or anything. Hopefully that will give someone the info they need for me to resolve this. Thanks in advance for your help.
Tony thanks so much for your input yes I ran the sql_upgrade.php selected all the way back to 2.8.3 lots of green and black, at the very end it said complete. I also ran acl_upgrade.php and didn’t seem to get any errors there. I did notice that I can mouse over the calendar option and the cursor changes from an arrow to a hand with fingers but it doesn’t open up the calendar when I click on it. Also I have noticed that the name and sex pull-down boxes are gray as they should be but are blank. When I click to select I can choose options but there is a blank in there. I hope that additional info is helpful thanks again
Forgive me. I think you have answered this before…
What is your OS etc…? Just for reference?
Also, I hope you meant “version 3.2” and not 3.3 as stated above, otherwide I am completely lost.
Finally, when you first got this error, did you upgrade from 3.2 and choose that option when running sql_upgrade (vs picking an earlier version)?
My database was upgraded in each step up to 4.0 from 2.8 or so. I did not experience this myself, but I am trying to replicate this effect (using windows xampp packages).
You might check to see what the ACL has listed for Administrator as well. Not going on anything here, but just to be scientific, you might want to double-check that your group for administrator has all the good stuff turned on. How is access for someone in the “physician” group? I am not sure if you are stating that eveyone has lost the ability to create patients, or if it is just admin level users.
Tony thanks for taking the time to help me resolve this. First off let me say OOOOPS =) I did mean 3.2 if it was 3.3 I would be surprised if thats all the problems I had =) No I did not mention that info in this thread that was from a previous post maybe? Our version of MYSQL is 5.1.41 and our version of PHP is 5.3.2 and the OS is Ubuntu 9.10. I did what aethelwulffe suggested above and created a user with elevated privileges or so I thought and that didn’t work so I don’t think that is the issue if there is a way to verify that let me know. Lets see if I can remember my upgrades. I did try to go directly from 2.9 to 3.2 however the acl_upgrade gave me issues so I upgraded to 3.0 then to 3.2. I had some other problems with up grades so I think in the future I will make sure to upgrade each step of the way to avoid this issue in the future.
I am trying to go through the up-grade process again so I can provide better details. When I upgrade from 2.9 to 3.1 the acl_upgrade seems to work fine as does the acl_upgrade.php. When I log in I am able to create new clients however the problem with this version and what lead me to move to 3.2 was the fact that when in the calendar screen using the outlook mode I get an error that says “The requested URL /test/interface/main/calendar/index.php was not found on this server” When I switch days. When I browse to that location the file is there. If this is an easier fix I would be happy staying here and my evening would be a lot more enjoyable =)
I just realized I said when I upgraded from 2.9 to 3.1 I meant to say when I upgraded from 2.9 to 3.0. I wish I could have edited the above post sorry for the mis-information.
No big deal there John. I am only asking because I am trying (on a windows install) to replicate what you have. The code is no different, so I might be able to determine if there is a systemic issue. So far, I have upgraded a system (with some fake data in it and a couple of users) and gotten good results.
What stage are you at now? Are you at version 3.2, and what is the current functional status?
aethelwulffe, I currently have them on version 3.2 as at least they can make appointments, they just can’t add new clients. I would have no problem using version 3.0 if I could get the the calendar part fixed, as it errors out if I switch days, it will only show the current day. I am starting to believe that the issue is one of data integrity as I downloaded version 2.9 from sourceforge, which is the original database from which the sql dump was done and imported the data. Every thing seems to work fine in 2.9 except that when I select calendar, its all gray. I don’t believe there is a bug in OEMR as I have upgraded other databases with no problems only this one. I hope this information is helpful and doesn’t make matters worse.
I think it is safe to assume that you have the correct files and they are all in place, and file permissions are correct. To my idiot noob thinking, that leaves just the database. Perhaps you could check the table structure of a working (fake test data) 3.2 patient_data table against your current buggered up database version.
Another thing to try:
Set up a working install of 3.2 on a different machine, then replace the database, document, and EDI files in that instance with your “current” version of the database that has been upgraded to 3.2. This should verify that the problem is indeed in the database.
When you say “it is all gray” do you mean that boxes are grayed out, or do you mean that you only see the gray background color and no data?
Oh, when you get a gray empty box, right click on it, and view the source of that “frame”. You should get something like this (actual code is much much longer):
<!-- START user_display -->
<!-- Get the style sheet for the theme defined in globals.php -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/openemr/interface/themes/style_default.css" type="text/css">
<!-- this style sheet is used for the ajax_* style calendars -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/openemr/interface/themes/ajax_calendar.css" type="text/css">
<!-- the javascript used for the ajax_* style calendars -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/openemr/library/dialog.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/openemr/library/textformat.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/openemr/library/js/jquery-1.2.2.min.js"></script>
<body style='background-color:#dddddd'>
<script language='JavaScript'>
var mypcc = '1';
// This is called from the event editor popup.
function refreshme() {
function newEvt(startampm, starttimeh, starttimem, eventdate, providerid, catid) {
dlgopen('add_edit_event.php?startampm=' + startampm +
'&starttimeh=' + starttimeh + '&starttimem=' + starttimem +
'&date=' + eventdate + '&userid=' + providerid + '&catid=' + catid,
'_blank', 550, 270);
function oldEvt(eventdate, eventid) {
dlgopen('add_edit_event.php?date='+eventdate+'&eid=' + eventid, '_blank', 550, 270);
function goPid(pid) {
top.RTop.location = '../../patient_file/summary/demographics.php' + '?set_pid=' + pid;
function GoToToday(theForm){
var todays_date = new Date();
var theMonth = todays_date.getMonth() + 1;
theMonth = theMonth < 10 ? "0" + theMonth : theMonth;
theForm.jumpdate.value = todays_date.getFullYear() + "-" + theMonth + "-" + todays_date.getDate();
<div id="functions">
<!-- stuff form element here to avoid the margin padding it introduces into the page in some browsers -->
<form name='theform' id='theform' action='index.php?module=PostCalendar&func=view&tplview=default&pc_category=&pc
If you don’t, perhaps we can use this to track down the issue.
Let me start with the easy response first =) Yes when I say “it is all gray” I mean that boxes have a gray background color and no data. If I right click like you suggested nothing happens maybe that is linked to my problem as well so I can’t post the info like you did. And to reiterate I can left click and select info but I can’t left click on the calendar icon.
I will start comparing the tables and see if I can find any discrepancy between the working 3.2 version and the mucked up 3.2 version.
You right click inside the gray frame, then select “view page source” or better “view source of this frame”. It is a way of looking at the code that the page is made of. You can then (possibly) see where something related to the screw-up.
aethelwulffe, correct I am right clicking inside the gray frame, however, the click doesn’t bring up a selection box. If I right click outside the gray box I do get the selection, that give me source for that frame. When I looked at that information it didn’t look like yours. I did a search for “postcalendar” and id didn’t find anything. Could that be my issue?
Thanks John