Cant add a patient afer upgrade to 7.02 when u click on add patient, the next window tries to open but the thing keeps revolving and never adds the pt. Repaired the tables, optimized via phpmy admin still to no avail.
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.02 latest upgrade
Did you search the forum for similar questions?
Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All
25/11/2023 22:22 security-administration-Query Security Administrator Default 0 1 Query category, nickname, name, state, directory, id, sql_run, unpackaged, date, priority, aco_spec FROM registry WHERE patient_encounter = 1 AND state LIKE ? ORDER BY category, priority, name ('1',)
I meant php error log or any console errors.
Thus far I’ve not heard that this issue is happening elsewhere.
The quote I showed you allows turning on error reporting to the screen when they happen. This helps if you can’t get to your php error logs on the server.
Admin->Config->Logging field User Debugging Options=>All
i am not seeing any errors displayed on the screen, just that after i click add patient, the circle thing keeps revolving endlessly but no error is displayed.
Assuming you’re on xampp then you can access the php error log from the control panel.
Also do an F12 then select console on your browser then try add patient then see if any errors show in console.
I can’t help if I can’t reproduce and we aren’t getting any leads through errors.
Have you made any changes to demographics layout in the editor recently?
Hi Guys, I cant add a new user to the system but adding the Patient is working fine. Im using Windows Server 2019 Essentials, XAMPP on a Firefox browser… This happened after upgrading from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2. I will post error log when they open after Christmas holidays but thus far it was just returning error that states: