Cannot login with any account

I don’t understand why, since 15 days, I cannot login anymore in the openemr app.
I get systematically this message : Invalid username or password
I was with version 6.0, I upgraded to version 6.1 and then 7.0. I could update the database without problem. But I still have the same message.
I did ```
UPDATE users_secure SET password = ‘$2a$05$MKtnxYsfFPlb2mOW7Qzq2Oz61S26s5E80Yd60lKdX4Wy3PBdEufNu’ WHERE username = ‘admin’;

Any help would be welcome. Thank you.

I manged to find a solution with this post : Restting password for a user with and Administrator account - #25 by stephenwaite

This is probably due to a vulnerability in the coding, my live openemr logged me out and did not let me login via many other ids which i have made for testing.

then someone remarked on openemr forum that i must have enabled mysqli.alloe >>> the last of the requirements for openemr to functon properly.

but doing so exposes you to sql injection/hacks this has been reported earlier also.
So if u have this line enabled in your php.ini file after you have installed the openemr, andsnomed etc , you must disable this line.

I m not sure if a fix has been made for this.

Suddenly no ne can login with right credentials - Support - OpenEMR Community (
