elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
Sorry if this is a stupid question…
Can I edit a Patient Payment / Co-Pay / Discount I entered using Fees > Checkout?
elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
Sorry if this is a stupid question…
Can I edit a Patient Payment / Co-Pay / Discount I entered using Fees > Checkout?
fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
Make adjustments in EOB Posting Invoice.
elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
You mean “Batch Payment” as if I was posting an insurance payment? If so, you’r suggesting adding another discount to cancel the original discount? 'Not quite sure hat “EOB Posting Invoice” screen is… I can “download EOBs” and “Post Payments”… not sure how to POST EOBs?
Thanks fsgl!
fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
Checkout amounts can only be deleted, not edited.
Past Encounters/Billing View (attachment 1), click on the desired charge, delete payment (attachment 2) and enter corrected amount in EOB Posting Invoice.