Can I change the $ currency sign?

nevillefm wrote on Friday, June 26, 2009:

How can I change the $ currency sign to INR so that it reflects in the bill?

bradymiller wrote on Friday, June 26, 2009:


In our most recent production release (version 3.0.1) this would require changes in the source code. Where exactly in openemr are you trying to change it? To find exact page link:
1) Go to the page in openemr
2) right-click and go to This Frame->View Frame Info (will show link to the actual openemr script/page)
Then I could direct you how to change it.

In our current unstable development version, this $ currency sign is getting translated. For an example, check out Dutch in the online openemr CVS (development version) demo at:


nevillefm wrote on Saturday, June 27, 2009:

Thanks Brady

I am using v3.0.1. The page links to where I need to make the changes are
1. http://localhost/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=2
2. http://localhost/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/pnotes.php

I checked out the Dutch demo. I need to substitute "INR" for the "NAF"


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 27, 2009:


These two files in openemr can be edited to change the main places where $ is used:

Check out these diff of the two files by clicking on the links below to see where I’ve changed the $ to allow translation. Instead of xl(’$’), just put ‘INR’ instead’

file:  openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/pnotes.php
(at line 90)

file:  openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php
(at line 357)

If you want to work on translations for the next openemr release (it’s a collaborative google docs spreadsheet), just email me, and I’ll give you access. Here’s more details of the current translation project:


blankev wrote on Saturday, June 27, 2009:

To use translations there are now three options:

1. Use the translations spreadsheet of Google and have "your" language imported automatically into the new OpenEMR version, this is the preferable choice.

2. In the Administration => Languages and change your word or sentence into your language

3. Go into the files and Change for example "$" into you preferred currency symbol.

Only option 1.will be consistent in future updates. All others you have to repeat after updating OpenEMR newer version. So be sure to make notes of all the steps taken when using options 2 and 3. Even back-ups might give trouble when restore is done in the same version. (Probably no problems if you DO NOT use the restore into a newer OpenEMR version)

Always use the English version to find the location of the little piece you want to change.
For compatibility with future updates use the Language spreadsheet.
Don’t forget to start translation of the most important  cells of the spreadsheet into YOUR language. Even slang an dialects can have a place in the spreadsheet as long as they are medical related ;-)).

(Don’t forget to read the manuals and other info relevant to translations before starting the input)


nevillefm wrote on Saturday, June 27, 2009:

Thanks Brady

I really appreciate the prompt replies

It worked!

I followed your directions - the currency sign has changed to INR and its reflecting on both pages. I entered some billing data and there are no problems with that.

Some observations
My pnotes.php file is already an older version (r1.15) so line 90 read as “$formatted = sprintf(’$%01.2f’, $balance);” - ‘xl(’$’’)’ is in the newer revision of the file - anyway, so I put ‘INR%’ instead of ‘$%’ and that’s working fine
Ditto with my demographics.php file which is r1.54 where I just substituted ‘INR’ for the ‘$’

Thanks again