CAMOS print with referring provider

I would like to have the name of the referring provider to be printed on the encounter.

After the CAMOS is saved on the Encounter, there’s a list of the printing options on the top. When clicking on “Print this encounter”, the next screen pop up with 2 options: Print (PDF) and Print (HTML). When clicking on either button, the encounter appears with the note that will be printed.

I realize what generates this is from the (notegen.php) within the (openemr\interface\forms\CAMOS). Would some one show me how to modify or to program this file to pull the referring provider into the encounter? I don’t know programing so I am lost.

Thank you.


Following code customization will be helpful for you to display the Referring Provider.

Changes in interface/forms/CAMOS/notegen.php

On line 147 add the following code
print xl("Referring Provider").": ".$notecontents['ref_provider'] . "<br/>";

On line 257 add the following code
$pdf->ezText(xl("Referring Provider").": ".$notecontents['ref_provider'],8);

Changes in getFormData function are highlighted in screenshot.

Hope this will help you. Let us know if you have any further clarifications.


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This code modification works!

Thank you so much Visolveemr!

Glad it worked for you.
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