I have noticed the calendar is slowing down over time. As much as 10 - 20 seconds to change from one day to another or to change views. This is happening in both my production as well as dev (which is a mirror of prod). I cannot find anything specifically in the logs or in the database that would give me a direction to optimize these queries. I did clear the smarty cache a few times to see if that would help.
Any pointers on where to troubleshoot?
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 6.1
I’m using: Edge, Chrome, Firefox (latest on all)
Operating System
I’m using: Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20
Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All
Hi @KenSchae
I don’t know that this specifically addresses your problem, but when we configure a customer’s calendar we have them only set the categories (In Office, Lunch, etc) for a year at a time. Any change made to the calendar puts a load on the server to check each date that has been configured. If you have a lot of users on the calendar, and the calendar configured for several years into the future this could be what you’re seeing.
I have never revised a calendar config to a shorter duration so don’t know what the effects could be. You might try it on one of the demos first.
Good luck- Harley
Hi Ken,
Do you know how to profile an application? I use PHPStorm but I believe VS also supports.
I don’t have enough test data for calendar to properly profile.
Last time I profiled openemr I found the biggest offender to slow loading was session writes holding scripts open unnecessarily.
Brady and I put in fixes back in v6 however, we may have missed some in calendar.
Also, do you use recurring appointments a lot?
The difference between Win10 and Win11 I wouldn’t expect to be an issue however the Edge versions would be different.
I’m not sure what Edge version Microsoft fully implemented using the Chrome engine but it may have been somewhere during Windows 10 updates but for sure Windows 11 Edge is using Chrome engine.
So, I’d expect calendar would preform as well on newer Chrome versions.
Hi Ken, I hope you found your answer. I am just putting this here in case someone else comes across this question. Here is another thing to keep an eye on. I noticed a heavy slowdown when " Audit log SELECT query" and/or “Audit CDR Engine Queries” are active. (Admin> Globals > Logging). If you don’t need to log those, just deactivate those options. The slowdown was most noticeable on the Calendar and the Patient’s Dashboard.