Calendar, facilities , and appointment scheduling

This is potentially a pretty big thing, so it might be something we run by our developers next year, but I was curious if anybody else had war gamed this scenario before. When you have providers that rotate between locations, it would be really nice if there was a way to have the appointment module reflect that. e.g. , the way the system works now, you assign a provider to a default facility, but maybe the provider is at facility A on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, and facility B on Tuesday/Thursday. Now, you could kludge a background database routine to change the provider’s facility on different days, but let’s say you have staff at making an appointment on Monday, to see the provider on Thursday. As it is now, when you make an appointment, the facility is going to be set to the provider’s default facility, unless the facility is manually changed during the creation of the appointment event. (Yes , people should know enough to change the facility, but we all know people are lazy, forgetful, in a hurry, etc).
Has anyone considered either modifying OpenEMR itself, or adding a module, to allow for assigning providers to different facilities on different days of the week, and having associated functions like appointment scheduling, encounter creation, etc, adjust dynamically based on the where the provider is or will be on that date?
Would there be any interest in incorporating that capability if it were written/tested ?