Calendar error

Hi, I have a problem with the calendar, I try to pen but not open an show this error “Session initialisation failed”, If someone know how to fix them, please teach me, tanks.

Try clearing out your browser history.

Tanks, but I try that yet, and don´t solve teh issue, Do you Know the configuration file of calendar?

Administration->Other->Calendar->Clear Smarty Cache

If that doesn’t work, then what are you seeing in the php error log?

Hi, Thank you, but in the adminisrator page the seccion calendar have the same error “Session initialisation failed”. I still have the issue. If you know about that please teach me how fix it.

What are you seeing in the php error log?

What is your server operating system?

And ensure you have correct php setting:

Hi, Thanks for the help, Mi Server sistem is Windows 10, The php settings are ok, But I still have issues about the calendar. Still Show “Session initialisation failed”

Hello Gregg_D_Sanabria,

Can you please take a look at the discussion, which would provide an idea to move forward.
