I installed OpenEMR version 3.2 on a test Windows 2003 Server. Installation worked great! OpenEMR functioning properly with no issues.
I restored my data from my OpenEMR 3.1.0 Windows 2003 Server. I copied over the following files to restore my data.
edi, era, documents, letter_templates, mysql/data
I am able to log into the 3.2 OpenEMR server and view patient data. When I log in I get the following calendar error.
ERROR: query failed: select distinct id, username, lname, fname, authorized, info, facility from users where username != ‘’ and active = 1 and id like ‘%’ AND authorized = 1 AND calendar = 1 ORDER BY lname, fname
Error: Unknown column ‘calendar’ in ‘where clause’
Is their something I need to do in order restore my 3.1.0 data to a 3.2 version of OpenEMR to get my calendar working again? I am using Radio Button view. Also, the calendar worked fine in 3.2 before I restored my data.
You upgrade method should work. To be safe, I recommend you turn off your mysql server while copying the mysql/data files. If problems then could go the documented upgrade route (although i see no issues with your current upgrade procedure): http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/Linux_Upgrade_3.1.0_to_3.2.0
ERROR: query failed: select distinct id, username, lname, fname, authorized, info, facility from users where username != ‘’ and active = 1 and id like ‘%’ AND authorized = 1 AND calendar = 1 ORDER BY lname, fname
Error: Unknown column ‘calendar’ in ‘where clause’
Tried the solutions posted here but no luck. Thanks in advance.
It’s 3.0.2 running on Windows 7 Ultimate with an HP Notebook 64bit 4GB Ram 320HDD. This issue happen after the installation of the patch 6 for version 3.0.2. Thanks for your quick answer.
I’m running this package OpenEMR-XAMPP-3.2.0 and after further reading, I found a patch on the following website: http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/OpenEMR_Patches for version 3.2.0 it’s patch 6 of 6/28/2010. I installed the patch and the calendar stopped working with the error posted. Sorry the version was wrong.
I did a test on another machine and did a clean install of the OpenEMR XAMPP package v3.2.0. Did a backup of the MySQL database from the system with the issue and then restore to the new installation using the MySQL backup tool from WebYog GUI. Did not work, the error still there. Any thoughts?
Sorry, wasn’t able to do the sanity test last night. In your test, did you use the patch at all on the clean install? From your explanation it sounds like the issue is there even without the patch. I’m guessing that your mysql database wasn’t upgraded correctly; I’m highly suspicious of this because the ‘calendar’ column was added in 3.2 or 3.1, so if your using a previous version with correctly upgrading the database then you’ll be missing this column and will throw the above error.
Is the your openemr mysql database from an earlier OpenEMR version? If so, did you run the sql_upgrade.php script as described above during your upgrade?
I didnt install the patch on this one, just the package. The openemr mysql database is from current version. It was a clean install two months ago. We read about the patch and installed a few days ago, then it broke. When I found this post I did ran the script just to try something that can fix the issue. But did work either. I will try the script again on the new machine and see. I’ll keep you posted.
After running the following script http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php on my test system leaving everything to default it work. I have the calendar. Thanks