Bookkeeping with sql-ledger

gutiersa wrote on Monday, June 02, 2008:

I would like to use sql-ledger to track all my business accounts (ie: checking, credit cards,  bills etc) Not just patient accounts. But I’m not sure how to go about it. Is it possible to do this? Do I have to create a separate dataset?

I would appreciate suggestions!

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 03, 2008:

Sure.  You can dink around with a test installation but the easiest solution is to order the pdf manual from Dieter Simader. (Creator of SQL-Ledger).

A separate company is only useful if you have two companies to manage.  Otherwise you would want to keep track of everything using one chart of accounts.

Sam Bowen, MD

gutiersa wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008:

Actually I do intend on getting the support (the only way to get the manual) as soon as I have someone at my office working on setting up the accounting.

The concern I am having is that I want to have the system keep the checking account register. That is, I need it to look like the bank statements so that I can compare amounts and balance the checkbook. Sort of like with microsoft money and personal bank accounts.

For example:

patient A makes a payment of 25
patient B makes a payment of 100
patient C makes a payment of 130
patient D’s ins company makes a payment of 60
patient E’s ins company makes a payment 120
patient F makes a payment of 100
patient G makes a payment of 60

what goes into my bank account is a deposit of $595

I want to be able to see that deposit of $595, instead of the detailed payments above.

How is this accomplished if you only have one dataset?? Do you have to create two checking accounts??

Pardon my accounting ignorance.