Blank screen on first start of OpenEMR 5.0.2

can you turn the “web console” from the web developer tool in Firefox and hit the localhost/openemr and see what the console gives you?

That is weird, the console did not pick up any action?

So this goes back to the first post of your thread, Blank Screen…! is this only when restoring the regular installation from docker installation, if you roll it back does the blank screen goes away and you get to the log in screen?

That appears to be the case.

Yes, if I restore an older, regular backup from my pre-docker days, I get to the log in screen.

hi @rdh61 ,
If you go into your openemr directory on your command line, then what does the following show:

ls -al sites/default

500 error code means there is an error with your php handler.
In other words, apache is able to handle static pages such as .htm, .html, but when it comes to the php pages, it is having a problem. It sounds like you may not have enabled the php module within apache. I don’t remember the name of it. But I will look it up and will edit this reply.

Make sure your apache has php correctly configured.
Set up a php info page.
Here are the instructions, please be sure your web server is not live. As this gives anyone information on your set up.

go to the root openemr directory, create a file which can be accessed by the web server (ie: www-data) named “info.php”.
Type the following in the file:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

save it and make sure it is accessible by the web server (user:group -> www-data:www-data

Then in the address bar of the browser, you want to type:


let me know if it works.

send me a quick text to remind me to check the forum if you would like

Hi Brady,
Here is the output:

robert@robert-ideacentre-AIO-520-22IKU:~$ cd /var/www/openemr
robert@robert-ideacentre-AIO-520-22IKU:/var/www/openemr$ ls -al sites/default
total 120
dr-x------   5 robert root    4096 Jun 17 17:25 .
drwxrwxr-x   3 root   root    4096 Jun 17 17:25 ..
-r--------   1 robert root    2302 Apr 30 08:47 clickoptions.txt
-r--------   1 robert root    3318 Apr 30 08:47 config.php
-r--------   1 robert root       2 Apr 30 08:47 docker-version
drwxrwxr-x 230 robert eilene  4096 May  5 12:55 documents
-r--------   1 robert root     392 Apr 30 08:47 faxcover.txt
-r--------   1 robert root   11218 Apr 30 08:47 faxtitle.eps
dr-x------   2 robert root    4096 May 12 08:26 images
dr-x------   2 robert root    4096 May 12 08:26 LBF
-r--------   1 robert root   13532 May 27 10:33 referral_template.html
-rw-r--r--   1 root   root     635 Jun 17 17:25 sqlconf.php
-r--------   1 robert root     630 May 12 08:46 sqlconf.php.old
-r--------   1 robert root   48257 May 27 10:33

Why the docker installation has the log-in page at localhost, while the regular installation has it at localhost/openemr ? would that be the reason for your blank screen? I remember your post when you had the opposite problem, you had the blank screen on your docker installation when you attacked it with localhost/openemr then Brady advised to go to localhost only, well reversing the issue when backing up then it could be the culprit?

God only knows! Or Brady! But neither localhost nor localhost/openemr take me to the login screen in this case.

Yes, I get a php configuration page.

Those are odd permissions. apache (www-data) likely will not be permitted to see this stuff. Try this hail mary.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/openemr

OK, now at localhost/openemr I get a white screen with this message:

“Check that you can ping the server mysql.”


sudo chmod 666 /var/www/openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php

Then see localhost/openemr where it lands.

check your php log.
check this out:

@rdh61 ,
Now need to work on the mysql connection. Guessing the settings in sites/default/sqlconf.php are not correct.
What happens if you do following at commandline using the credentials in sqlconf.php (substitute the <*> with var in that script):

mysql -u <$login> --password=<$pass> -h <$host>

See if that gets you into the command line mysql prompt. then exit and see if your root access is working:

mysql -u root --password=<mysql_root_password> -h <$host>

Just in case the above measurements fail this thread deals with similar issue trouble shooting “Check that you can ping the server mysql.”

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. The credentials in sqlconf.php do not get me into a command line mysql prompt:

robert@robert-ideacentre-AIO-520-22IKU:~$ mysql -u openemr --password=MyPassword -h mysql
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql' (2)

This got the same result.