Blank screen on first start of OpenEMR 5.0.2

@Robert Hale
Please Robert before you give up on this amazing EHR try this first:
Look up this video and follow it to the letter:

The only deviation I did since I had it installed on ubuntu 19 desktop is the “adding user” since ubuntu 19 uses php 7.3 and not 7.2
you can copy and paste the commands from his website that discusses the same installation:

again I am not sure with php 7.4 how adding user changes, it could be the same command line Sandra mentioned in her comment in this thread, if you try ubuntu 18 so you follow his instructions without any changes made then it will be great (if ubuntu 18 is ok with you -desktop ubuntu-)
Please pay attention when your installation is completed to step 6
Before you click to proceed to step 7 you need to do this:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/openemr.conf
then you copy this to the .conf:
<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr”>
AllowOverride FileInfo
Require all granted

<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr/sites”>
AllowOverride None

<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr/sites/*/documents”>
Require all denied

then exit and save.
After that you click to proceed to step 7 and you will be up and running.
Please give it a try and I am sure it will work.

Ubuntu 18 … Same exact instructions.

Ubuntu 19 :
sudo nano /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini ……replace it with 7.3 instead of 7.2
and for adding user:
CREATE USER ‘openemruser’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘PASSWORD’;

I did not try ubuntu 20 though……

This does indeed produce something: a page of information entitled “PHP Version 7.4.3”.

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Thank you Mohammad, looks interesting.

Thank you. It’s a question of priorities. While this is of moderately high urgency, it is only of middling importance at this moment. Not a basketball fan but I do have a few intensely absorbing interests, apart from work that is, which I will be much happier devoting time to than the spirit-sucking struggle with a recalcitrant computer. Ultimately here and now, I’d rather be happy than victorious. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, that gives you a lot of information regarding your installation. It tells you what you have and not.
If you decide you want to give it another try I’ll be here. But I would use mysql 5.7. Which is what I have experience with. I could not get mine to work with Mysql 8

here’s a super simple setup of openemr 5.0.2(2) on ubuntu 20 server, thanks to @ncavalier for initially documenting and @brady.miller’s guidance

from a terminal prompt

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt install
  3. sudo systemctl enable --now docker
  4. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  5. newgrp docker
  6. sudo apt install docker-compose
  7. mkdir openemr
  8. cd openemr
  9. wget
  10. mv openemr-502-docker-example-docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml
  11. docker-compose up -d
  12. make a cup of :tea:
  13. if using ubuntu 20 desktop login in at localhost in your browser with admin pass (if using server go to client with browser and enter ip of server)
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The nice thing about the above install instruction set is that is can be done on a bare bones ubuntu install (in fact, having apache installed on the ubuntu will cause issues since they will fight for port 80; this can easily be adjusted by changing the port in the docker-compose.yml script though). No messing with dependencies. It just works and you get to even drink a cup of :tea: (or :coffee: ) :slight_smile:

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if https with openemr certs. you do not need port 80, only 443 am I correct?

hi @Mohammad , Yes, to clarify, can also use port 443 (ssl), which can also be changed if needed in the docker-compose.yml

Thank you Sandra. That’s kind of you.

Thank you Stephen. Super simple hmmm, that’s tempting… I’ll give it a go. I presume I’d better purge my system of all openemr, mysql, mariadb, apache files and folders before starting…? What about php?

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@stephenwaite @brady.miller

The docker procedure carried through smoothly, apparently successfully, but when I try to open localhost/openemr in my browser (Firefox), I persistently get: “Problem loading page. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading”. Same in Chrome: “This site can’t be reached”.

try just:

Thank you, that works.

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@stephenwaite @brady.miller My next question is: How do I restore my openemr 5.0.2 backup to this docker installation?

you don’t, but you can connect this installation to your database by entering the password information in …/sites/default/sqlconf.php

Backups and restores can be done with dockers like any other installation. The key difference is that need to do the steps within the openemr docker that you now have running. Just think of the docker as a virtual machine and then it makes more sense.

@gutiersa @brady.miller Sadly, I think it fair to say you both overestimate my understanding. I have a Docker installation. I have a backup, on a memory stick, made from a regular installation of 5.0.2 on another machine. I need that data accessible by my new Docker installation. What do I do? I am afraid I will need step by step instructions. My apologies.

hi @rdh61, no prob, we’re up for :person_climbing:

let’s bring in the db first

  1. extract the contents of emr_backup.tar on your :floppy_disk: to your Downloads folder
  2. go there in your terminal prompt; cd ~/Downloads
  3. gzip -d openemr.sql.gz
  4. docker ps we’re looking for the container id for the mariadb to use in the next step
  5. docker cp /home/$USER/Downloads/openemr.sql <mariadb container id>:.
  6. docker exec -it <mariadb container id> /bin/bash
  7. mysql -uroot -proot openemr < openemr.sql
  8. exit
  9. docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep _openemr | cut -f 1 -d " ") /bin/sh
  10. wget
  11. run the upgrade script even though not “upgrading” :); go to localhost/sql_upgrade.php in your browser :fox_face:
  12. back to terminal and rm sql_upgrade.php
  13. exit
  14. go to localhost to login and see your data :slight_smile: