Reinstalled FreeB. No missing packages when running the # ./formatbin/ or # ./formatbin/
both return:
Cannot Create : at ./formatbin/ line 7.
Running the following command from the URL you posted:
# ./bin/formatbin/ 2-10 /tmp/logfile
returns a message :
file can not be found.
Formatbin on my system is not under bin but under freeb.
By changing the command to the following:
# ./formatbin/ 2-10 /tmp/logfile
returns the following message:
unkown RPC type "br"
at line 1 column 0
I setup xmlrpc in my use variable prior to installing any packages. The only xmlrpc package that I did not install was for java and ant.
Turning debug on in resulted in the following message:
Warning Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected. in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/library/freeb/ on line 302 <br />