Billing Auto Insurance claims Box 10B

drroller wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2005:

I have not been able to find the switch in OpenEMR to change HCFA box 10 B
"Patients condition related to:
Auto Accident X Yes   Place(state): UT"

OpenEMR needs to be able to set that yes it was an auto accident, and what Place(state).

The same goes for Box 10 A where it would relate to a work injury.

whip0043 wrote on Tuesday, November 21, 2006:

This seems to be an old problem, but I am having the same issue and question. I am billing for a chiropractor and often have workers comp, auto accident and slip/fall injuries to bill for. I have been looking for a switch in the forms that properly mark Box 10 as ‘yes’, but am unable to do so. I have looked into the freeb/formatbin/ file, but the code seems correct. I am using OpenEMR version 2.8.1 and FreeB 0.11 on Fedora Core 3 with MySql 4.x and php5. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

bo2999 wrote on Wednesday, November 22, 2006:

You are not alone, and after looking closely at the source code, I can tell you that OpenEMR is not support this function at the moment. But if you must turn it on all the time, you can check this file

and under
function isrelatedtoautoaccident //set
$pkey = true;
Of course, you can set up a data field in mysql to handle this, but my knowledge is very limited. Sorry. I hope this help.

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, November 22, 2006:

The quickest and safest way to add support would be in a form.  That gives you a way to enter data into mysql relating to an encounter.  Then code could be added to the billing module to check for the data and fill it in appropriately if it is there.  The form part is easy.  I’m not sure about the billing part.  I don’t think it would be too hard to do.

whip0043 wrote on Thursday, November 23, 2006:

I appreciate the quick replies. After posting, I did look at the /openemr/library/freeb/Diagnosis.class.php file. Turning on any of the 10x boxes full time would just not suit my needs. I think that in my particular case, at a chiropractic clinic, I would like to find a set of check boxes in the patient demographics form. This way, when I set up a new patient I can attribute the on-going care to Workers Comp, Auto, or Other. For the mean time, I wonder if changing the Diagnosis.class file for 10x from "X" to "" would be a valid workaround. I am currently submitting claims via fax, and could just as easily mark an appropriate "X" by hand (for shame). I do have some programming experience and some time bandwidth and a curiosity for making this work, so I am willing to work with anyone else available to spend time solving this problem. Again, thank you for the feedback.

markleeds wrote on Thursday, November 23, 2006:

Putting the check boxes in an encounter form could still work because the code which looks for this data to send to freeb could query mysql to read the most recent entry in the form table for each particular patient.  This way, you only have to check these boxes on the first encounter and the data will be read for all subsequent encounters.  If things change, you can always fill out another form which will supercede the older data.

Creating the encounter form should be relatively easy.  Perhaps the code to interprete data before sending to freeb could be in the form itself.  A function stored in the form directory could be given a chance to alter any HCFA 1500 fields before going to freeb.  This would create a more general case where multiple forms of this type could exist to support different kinds of specialties.

I am going to work on this over the weekend and see what I come up with.