How about importing x12 formatted files into OpenEMR? Most billing apps that I’ve seen create x12 files and store them permenantly prior to transmition. If this is possible it will simplify migrating. But considering that some variations may and will exist the import process should be based on true to the letter x12 formats.
Medical billing system X12 files will have patient data (Name, address…etc) and encounter info, if we could import them re-entering all old patient data would not be required.
Though we can import the demographics and current encounter, the previous encounters, PSFH, allergy, medications can’t be imported. But they have to be re-entered, Right?
Mainly it would make the billing process faster and more straightforward. I envision keeping the SQL-Ledger interfacing, and or course that’s a Perl app and uses PostgreSQL… however there’s nothing to prevent someone from coming up with another solution for A/R.
So for practices who have the billing files stored somewhere, we can effectively use them as Input to this perl or any program to populate the mySQL database. The problem of scanning old paper charts could be reduced in no time. Is this a valid claim with some guesstimate?