Barcode scanner in OpenEMR

huyendo wrote on Friday, May 06, 2016:

Dear all,

I saw the barcode label module on pupups(Pic 1). This module can be generate barcode from patient external ID. Can i use the barcode reader to read the barcode to search patient information in patient list (Pic 2)?

Thank you all!

huyendo wrote on Friday, May 06, 2016:

This 's attached file

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 06, 2016:

Terry Hill had contributed the use of the bar code for printing on labels.

The bar code cannot be used to search for patients. At least, not yet.

huyendo wrote on Friday, May 06, 2016:

Hi fsgl,

Hope it coming soon!!! ^^

Thank you!

teryhill wrote on Friday, May 06, 2016:

Henry and fsgl, the computer sees the barcode device as just another input device. You should be able to select the field and scan the barcode , the field should populate and then you would hit enter.


huyendo wrote on Monday, May 09, 2016:

Hi Terry,

Thank you for your comment!

I think the same way but if it auto search is better. we don’t have to hit enter.
