Backup failing

rayaz wrote on Friday, March 19, 2010:

Hi all,

Recently upgraded to OpenEMR 3.2.0 from version 3.1.0 on Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Initially was able to backup on a daily basis but for the past two to three days end up in an error message: maximum exec time 30 s exceeded /usr/share/php/Archive/Tar.php on line 1046.

Help please!

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, March 20, 2010:


OpenEMR 3.2.0 is bigger, so takes longer to back up. Can increase php execution limit time by modifying your php configuration file (php.ini) setting:
max_execution_time = 60
(if you modify the php.ini file, ensure you restart the apache server)


rayaz wrote on Sunday, March 21, 2010:


Thanks a ton, that did the trick!

