Does the backup function work on windows 7 or I still need to use Jeo’s method? if I use Jeo’s method do I need to modify the backup that I use for 3.2 or it is the same file system. Thank you.
Hopefully the backup function (I am assuming you mean Administration->Backup within OpenEMR) is working on windows 7; let us know. Also, in order to answer your question, can you provide a link to Joe’s method?
Hopefully the Administration->Backup works in Windows. But if you use Joe’s method, it is actually simpler now that the 4 directories:
have all been migrated to:
So, you could essentially just backup that directory, which contains all 4 directories above.
(note you still need to backup the mysql directory)
arnabnaha, you need the Archive_Tar class in order for the backup to work with Windows. That error message indicates it’s not installed. As I recall that’s part of the PHP Pear package.
Wait so I’m still confused I made sure Archive_Tar is installed with my php setup and it is (along with pear ofcourse)… But my question still remains it just does it but it doesn’t pop a download link… i am now on 4.1.0 and I tested and it still doesnt work what log files should i be looking at and where are they located, and what should i be looking for?
There is a backup file in C:\Windows\TEMP\openemr_web_backup but it is not the right size. The backup runs it says dumping data and then dumping data tree and it hangs forever there! Thanks for your help.
Remove the php max execution time by placing this php command at top of the openemr/interface/main.backup.php script (below the require_once stuff):