AWS SFTP username


I am using FileZilla to SFTP to OpenEMR AWS Express; I have downloaded the pem key and tried to use “admin” as username but I am getting the following error:

Error: FATAL ERROR: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Error: Could not connect to server

What is the default user?

hi @Eid_AL-Tamimi, isn’t it ubuntu?

Hi @Eid_AL-Tamimi,

Did you given respective access to that instance on aws ?

Thank you for your reply

I actually tried it before posting in here and I was able to connect. but the user Ubuntu seems to be very restrictive; I can only browse and open “/home/ubuntu”
Attempting to open any other folder will give the following error:
Error: XXXXX permission denied
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

XXXXX = any folder

Sorry but I did not understand;

Do I need to SSH and change permissions for “Ubuntu” ?
If yes, what folders/files should I do that for?

hi @Eid_AL-Tamimi, after logging in you can sudo bash for full privileges.

express guide

Thanks; where exactly OpenEMR Directory/folder is located?