The AWS OpenEMR 6.0.0 STANDARD cloudformation stack is broken. The latest version that is available in the AWS Marketplace is OpenEMR 6.0.0 (Mar 2021).
Here is the issue in the cloudformation stack execution:
2022-03-15 20:07:57 UTC-0500 RDSInstance
CREATE_FAILED Cannot find version 5.6.39 for mysql (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 6f5e7fa1-398b-4544-be99-f9cdcbfbe168; Proxy: null)
The problem in the template appears to be here (maybe we could get new ami’s that have a newer (supported, available) version of MySQL?
“AWSTemplateFormatVersion”: “2010-09-09”,
“Description”: “OpenEMR Cloud Standard v6.0.0 cloud deployment”,
“Mappings”: {
“RegionData”: {
“ap-northeast-1”: {
“MySQLVersion”: “5.6.39”,
“OpenEMRMktPlaceAMI”: “ami-0e906f4c5fd957532”
“ap-northeast-2”: {
“MySQLVersion”: “5.6.39”,
“OpenEMRMktPlaceAMI”: “ami-01b2b498763006718”
I would be willing to help repair this if someone can give me some direction (such as if new ami’s are available). I can text-edit a cloudformation stack MySQLVersion number field in the JSON file if that would be helpful…