When I choose to print sometimes I get HTML files opened in an normal window an somtimes in a kind of restricted window. Where can I find the sttings to change to default HTML print settings for the print windows?
And same for PDF print windows. Want to have them in non-landscape format without all the information at the sides as default for OpenEMR only.
I’m wondering if the behavior you’re seeing is dependent on your browser and how it interacts with the frame-based user interface of OpenEMR. Generally, frame-based layouts don’t print well. That is why you’ll see specific print options on some of the web pages within OpenEMR.
Could you give us an example of how you’re printing?
Here’s my example:
1) Log into OpenEMR
2) Choose a provider and date on the calendar
3) Click on the File menu and choose Print
4) Accept the default printer settings and print
The result looks terrible. If you can give us a step-by-step example of what you do, then we can offer more precise help.
seems you will help me every time when I pose a question. But that’s life and I am thankful you want to continue helping.
When I write prescriptions I like to pint everything an an A6 format. This is half of half of A4 formal. so 1/4th of an A4. When I write a letter to somebody I like to do it with an A6/Letter format. Somehow PDF keeps showing the text in preview/print in Landscape and I like to have it in portrait format.
If I make the settings of Acrobat PDF correct in Acrobat reader to print the A6 page, the others are printed in the same but wrong A6 format.
Is there somewhere a place in OpenEMR where the decission is made on what and where the new HTML in opened and how a PDF will be printed?
Since if the browser or Acrobat has to make the disicions I am stcuk with a situation where I have te change the sttings every time I prin a recipeA6 of a A4/Letter and like to change both to Portrait and do not want anything in landscape…
Does this give enough information or should I show the different steps?
New HTML pages in OpenEMR are sometimes shown as a standard HTML page with all options of File,Edit,View etc and sometimes in a different screen with only the option to print or preview, this must be something of a programmers choice in the past, that does not fit my requirements…
Change it to A4 or A6 and try printing a PDF letter again. Does that solve the trouble?
As for HTML printing, I think that’s entirely dependent on your browser and printer settings. You ought to be able to print a HTML page and define the page size before printing.