Is there a way to create an automated patient ID number? We currently assign a number to each patient. The numbers are not smart numbers they are just a unique serial number that allows us to identify each patent in the system. It would be helpful to have this number visible on all patient records.
Thanks for your help.
OK, I see where a patient PID is being created. As I thought about it I realized that part of the problem is making the conversion from paper to a digital system. We currently assign a number to each form to track the patients on a daily basis. I was trying to carry that over into the new system.
I suspect there is a was to generate a report showing how many patients we see each day and who we saw on that day. Is that a fair assumption?
You may add your own unique patient ID number using the “External ID” field. We had to do this when converting to OpenEMR from another EMR System to help us keep everything straight.
Go to the Main menu > Patient/Client > New/Search; on the right you will see “External ID” this is where you can assign your own number and subsequently do a search for it. It also appears under the Patient Demographics “Who” tab.
As far as patients seen on any given day, you can use “Reports” > “Visits” > “Appointments” and enter the date(s) in the search criteria. You won’t get a numeric total, but it can be added.
I am new in Open Emr ,please help me to get and idea about the Health Information Exchange between different emrs. How can I access the external patient information from another emr system, is there any web services or any other thin in open emr .Is that External patient id has been used for this purpose?