Authorizations menu

emruser wrote on Wednesday, August 12, 2015:

Hello All

How to use the Authorizations menu in leftbar? What will be displayed in that screen.


visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, August 12, 2015:


Authorization Module is used to Authorize the encounter forms, notes, billing created by the non provider users.

When the users(who’s ‘See Authorizations’ field is set as ‘All’) is logged in, all those forms/notes/biling/transaction create by non-provider users will be displayed in the Miscellaneous->Authorizations screen, with a “Authorize” link to the left. This will provide the way to authorize those created by a non- provider user.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc | Phone: 408-850-2243
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

emruser wrote on Wednesday, August 12, 2015:

Thank You for your response visolve.

as said, I created a note for a patient with a non-provider user but the note is not displayed in authorization screen. I tired created the note with different non-providers, but it does not came in. But it works for enounter form. Is this a error.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, August 12, 2015:


If this is only with patient notes, make sure the **'Skip Authorization of Patient Notes **checkbox is not checked under ‘Administration->Globals->Features’ section. If this is checked, this prevents the notes to display under authorization screen.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc | Phone: 408-850-2243
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

emruser wrote on Thursday, August 13, 2015:

Yes that works. Thank You for the response.