tmccormi wrote on Monday, January 04, 2010:
During the use of this change we have discovered what I consider to be a very big hole in this process. So I posted as much on the Help forum, but have not gotten any feedback. Here is the gist of what is required on a role basis:
Role 1: Med Tech - can only enter New Encounter/Chief Compliant and Vitals. Should not have even read access to the rest of the medical forms (SOAP2, ROS, etc)
Role 2: Nurse - can enter/edit selected forms included MTech stuff, like ROS and Nurse Evaluation but NOT SOAP. Does not have a calendar and cannot see authorizations for anyone.
Role 3: Nurse Prac - Must have a calendar for schedule appts and can enter/edit all medical form types. The NP encounters must be reviewed and authorized by the Supervising Physician
Role 4: Supervising Physician: This person is not onsite and needs to see and review and authorize ALL encounters. They do not have an appt calendar entry and are, therefore not ‘Authorized’ by have a “See Authorizations” setting of ‘ALL’
There are two issues:
1. The NP has to have a appt calendar,
so they have to be Authorized, therefore their encounter will not list
when the Physician logs in.
2. The supervisor does not need to (or want
to) see the MedTech and Nursing
encounters. That is they are not
“valid” until the NP finishes them
and approves them.
What I think the solution should be:
1. Separate the ‘Authorized’ check box into Authorized, which means that the user can authorize encounter and notes AND ‘Calendar’ which means that show up on appointment calendar or not.
2. Then add a new field to the users table called: Authorizing Role. This is just a selection of roles from the ACL table.
3. Update the authorization screen to show only the encounters/notes that were posted by a user whose Authorizer’s Role matches the logged in users Role.
MedTech has a role (derived from Clinician) call MedTech, the Authorizer’s Role is Clinician
Nurse Prac has the role Clinician and the Authorizer’s Role is Physician
The Doctor has the role Physician and no Authorizer’s Role set.
1. The NP login shows the MEDTechs encounters and notes
2. The Dr login shows the NP’s encounters
What about that?