Appointment-time alert / note / warning

This clinic (for which I’m evaluating OpenEMR) is in a rougher part of town. Upon occasion a patient becomes hostile / threatening. A few have behaved sexually inappropriately (aggressive advances, inappropriate comments, etc.).

Is there any way to have this info appear at appointment-making time so staff can take appropriate action?

If the info cannot "appear’ via a pop-up…or flashing red icon…in the Patient Finder list…are there any ideas out there on how this info could be easily accessible at appointment-making time?

Thank you.

Look at the code that displays the birthday message. You might be able to modify it to meet your needs.

Thank you, Mr. Perez, for your suggestion.
In the future, I might do that.

Just out of curiosity, how do clinics using OpenEMR deal with this situation since OpenEMR doesn’t currently offer functionality to warn staff at appointment-making time?

Having been in clinics when the hostile / threatening patient situation occurs…I imagine many clinics have procedures or software to deal with this.

Thank you.

Actually I have never heard of it. We are primarily concerned with privacy, workflow and clinical information.
Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

Hi I have paid a great company and customised all my alert for my psych clinic.

That’s wonderful…
Will you be sharing those modifications with the OpenEMR community?