We upgraded from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1 when we try to make appointments we are getting the message (This appointment slot is already used, Use it anyway?). We are still able to schedule the appointment by clicking OK but this is annoying. Would anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it? We are running OpenEMR on Ubuntu 11.04. Please see attachment.
In 4.1.1 if you don’t define IN/OUT of Office times for a provider that warning message is displayed.
I consider it a bug, but others disagree.
Here is a change you can make to disable that verification step.
Yes, this is very annoying. We get this warning even if we are only changing the appointment status (to “arrived”, “in room 1”, etc.) I would also vote for it being considered a bug.
It might be less of a problem if the IN/OUT office times for providers were easier to use. As is, once they are on the calendar, you can’t click on them to change them. You have to search for them using the search function to be able to change them.
We need the ability to click and drag IN/OUT office times, or to click on them to change them in a dialogue window.
Oh … Visolve did a fix for me for that issue in one of my projects. Perhaps they can post it here. We added a right click that lets you select to edit the Provider setting (IN/OUT)
Thanks, Kevin. Your fix seems to address well the inability to click on provider availability times.
However, I’m thinking that it would be better to only warn users that the appointment slot is already used when they are creating a new appointment, and not when they are just changing the status, or add a note to the appointment, for example.
Using the Demo, there was no problem altering IN & Out times by double clicking them. A dialog box popped up asking: “Apply the changes to the Current event only, to this and all Future occurrences, or to All occurrences?”. Modifying an existing appointment or changing the status to “arrived” did not resulted in the “already used” message with the Demo calendar.
This problem will come up each time users upgrade from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1. It would be more efficient to have sticky posts, but El Jefe has been silent on that enhancement. Absent sticky posts, an advisory can be added to the Upgrade webpage.
Hi, I just did an upgrade from 4.1.0(8) to 4.1.2(3) and I get this message now. Is there a patch for this anomaly or does the IN/OUT times need to be setup for all calendars?
I am curious about the current situation about this behavior as it’s now about 4 month after the last post up here. I just installed and should have the latest version (where could I find out what version I run?) and I have set up the in/out/lunch times for my provider and I do get the warning of double booking.
What do I have to do to avoid this warning?
Your current version can be found on the login page.
As far as the appointment alert, you are not alone. We have also experienced this issue for quite some time with a properly configured calendar. I haven’t had much time to troubleshoot, but the behavior seems somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.