Apache and MYSQL won't start (xampp-openemr-4.2.0.zip)

fsanati wrote on Friday, January 22, 2016:

Can someone help?
I’m trying to install xampp-openemr-4.2.0.zip in a 64 bit windows 8.1, at the stage when I’m trying to start apache and Mysql from XAMPP-control. they both shutdown immidiatly after start.

fsgl wrote on Friday, January 22, 2016:

  1. Delete package as shown:

  2. Because the download is compressed, it must be extracted. Extract it to C-drive. If you extract to any other location, it will not be possible to turn on the 2 services.

  3. If you continue to have a problem, attach an image of xampp control. Need to see what’s in the console area below the Start/Stop buttons.

aethelwulffe wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2016:

Yes, as fsgl indicates, it must be extracted properly (and on the C:\ drive, unless you tweak xampp to run elsewhere, and not under C:\xampp\xampp), but you ALSO should check your firewall rules and allow httpd etc… to do their thing. Check if the network you are running thinks it is private or public, then allow them on whichever it is (I find that sometimes people set it up as public accidentally). You can change the status of the above by selecting "allow network discovery/file sharing, or you can simply get https://classicshell.net so that you can find your good old fashioned control panel on Win8.1
The final issue you may have, though doubt, is that you are in possession of an incompatible apache config file.
Personally, I am betting on fsgl’s scenario. Just update your situation with us and verify it is extracted-correct directory-got good firewall settings-default apache config. If that doesn’t fix it we will stay beside you here until it runs.