Anyway to share database on multiple computer

cadprofessor wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

Looking at openemr for a eye doctors office.  He has 3 pc’s running xp, all networked.  Is there a way to install openemr on each machine but share the database files between the tree machines using a shared folder.  Thanks for any and all help.

anonymous wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:


OpenEMR is a web-based solution. Meaning anyone can access it using an internet browser. That being said, all you need to do is install it on 1 computer (preferably dedicated server) and then point all the rest of the clients to the IP address of that computer(server) using a web browser.

The web site address would be in the form of:  http://ipaddressofserver/openemr

EHR Live

cadprofessor wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

They do have a dedicated server running their webpages and backup software.  If I am reading things correctly I can not use that server because openemr wants control of port 80 and 443 which is already being used by the one server they have.  It is running windows 2003 SBE.    Thanks for the advice Chris…… 

anonymous wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

You can still install and run OpenEMR on that server, but you will have to change the ports in which Apache listens on. You can edit the httpd.conf file and change the line where it says: listen:80 to listen:8080

If you change it to listen 8080 then your website address will be: http://ipaddressofserver:8080/openemr

Do the same for port 443, just change the port. After that just restart apache and your done.

EHR Live

cadprofessor wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

That will be great.  I will give that a try.  Just  one more question….having the database stored on the default C drive is not great due  the space limitations of this partition.  Anyway around this…

anonymous wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

Yes, but that’s more work than can be described in the forums. You should hire a support company such as us to do this for you. You can also find a list of other support companies at

EHR Live

cadprofessor wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

Not going to happen….doing this on the cheap.  But thanks so much for the help….

cadprofessor wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

How about I open the my.ini files and change the path to the database.  Stop service, move database folder to new drive and folder location, change permissions on folder, start service and see what happens….

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

I’m guessing your trial didn’t work.
Could try the below steps (I have not tried this, so ensure you have a backup and dn’t try it first on a production instance):
1) Stop the apache and mysql services
2) Copy the entire xampp directory to your new directory (I suggest ensuring the full path to the xampp directory has no spaces in it)
3) Double click this file in your new directory …/xampp/setup_xampp.bat
4) Edit the …/xampp/htdocs/openemr/interface/globals.php file and set the $webserver_root variable to the new path
5) Restart the mysql and apache services and cross your fingers


blankev wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Please give us some feedback on what has been the result so far.  With Brady’s knowledge of this software product it should be working or with some extra adjustments be working in no time. If that is the case please confirm, so we can add this track in a adjusted format to the OEMR Wiki manual for future answers.

Brady, under what heading and where should I place my compilation of this track and your solution?


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Probably just in the wiki for now with a quesiton like “How can I move the Xampp-OpenEMR package to another directory?”. However we should wait until it’s confirmed that it works. We’ll also need to give a disclaimer that it may make the package not compatible with future auto-upgrades (not a feature yet, but at some point this will be one).

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

For the record I am not wanting to move the whole package to another drive just the Database.
This is what I did and it seems to have worked….shutdown mysql service,  opened my.ini, changed the path of all entries in the ini file that pointed toward the database folder (there are several, one at the top and several at the bottom of the ini file,  copied data base folder to drive e,  I renamed the data folder on drive C just to make sure I was not using it.  Started the service (it started without errors)  Ran openemr….added users, added data.  It all seemed to work without problems.  I am going to try it next week on the  real machine.  It these steps don’t work there I will let you know….

Thanks for all the help.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Note that uploaded patient documents (from within openemr) get stored in the openemr/documents web directory, so can get very large (so will still have space issues on your C drive).

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

So can the patient documents be moved as well  as the database or would it be easier to move the whole package as per the earlier reply

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Should I change these in the globals.php
// WINDOWS Specific Settings
$GLOBALS = “C:/xampp/mysql/bin”;
$GLOBALS = “C:/xampp/perl/bin”;

or just leave them pointed to the files on drive C

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Better off just moving the entire xampp package, and you should also modify the mysql an dperl path stuff and also to be safe may be best to remove the service, and then re-add the services. So, could try.
Could try the below steps (I have not tried this, so ensure you have a backup and dn’t try it first on a production instance):
1) Uninstall the apache service: double-click c:\xampp\apache\apache_uninstallservice.bat
2) Uninstall the mysql service: double click c:\xampp\mysql\mysql_uninstallservice.bat
3) Copy the entire xampp directory to your new directory (I suggest ensuring the full path to the xampp directory has no spaces in it)
4) Double click this file in your new directory …\xampp\setup_xampp.bat
5) Edit the …/xampp/htdocs/openemr/interface/globals.php file and set the $webserver_root, perl_din_dir_win, and mysql_bin_diw_win variables to the new path
6) Install the apache service: double-click in new directory …\xampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat
7) Iinstall the mysql service: double click in new directory …\xampp\mysql\mysql_installservice.bat
6) go to OpenEMR in your browser cross your fingers

please let us know if it works for you,

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Ok I just finished setting this up on my test server and it seems to work ok except for thing.  The server is using IIs and port 80.  From what I have read XAMPP is bound to port 80 and can not use another port.  Please let me know if this is the case or if there is away around this.  Thanks again for all the great help……

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Did you move entire xampp folder or jsut the mysql database? Did you use the first or second posted set of instructions? It seems odd that xampp would require port 80;
check out bottom of this thread (by 2potatocakes) to see if that helps:

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

I got the port problem figured out…had to open another port in firewall after setting the apache conf file to listen on that port.
So I guess the question is……How can I tell if the files are being stored on my D drive and not C?

cadprofessor wrote on Saturday, May 08, 2010:

Yes I moved the whole application as per your instructions above and all seems to working ok.   I have only tested opening up emr and logging in.